“Something is missing from my life.”

Ever since that singular event that struck you unexpectedly, life hasn’t been the same. It took the wind out of you. You feel like there should be some explanation, some answer that would provide you with peace or mend that broken place inside.
But no.
Weeks, months, even years have gone by. The sparkle in your eye, the song in your voice, and the bounce in your step that once proclaimed YOU… those features have all but drowned in the depths of the frustration that comes from being unable to find an answer.
Maybe it’s something that was so unfair, the resulting anger and resentment refuse to subside. You lie awake at night as if depriving yourself of sleep would magically help you arrive at some solution. Sadly, the answer refuses to present itself.
You don’t want to trouble your friends with this. You hate the idea sharing this with anyone… maybe it’s just too embarrassing…
And yet…
You keep trudging forward. Perhaps you have reached that point where you would do just about ANYTHING to find a way to enjoy life again – even ask for help. So, you find yourself here… browsing websites in hopes of maybe finding a ray of hope in the form of counseling.